Gevork CHUBARYAN an American artist of Armenian descent, born in Russia in 1985, currently resides in New York, where he graduated from the School of Visual Arts in 2007. He comes from a family with a great artistic tradition, his grandfather - Gukas CHUBARYAN being recognized as a true patriarch of modern Armenian sculpture. In 2006, 2008 and 2009 he held personal exhibitions in Wisconsin, New York and Texas.
The Gevork's initial paintings were small in size, akin to a confidential exchange. For the friends visiting his studio in Manhattan, Gevork CHUBARYAN would have shown some of his works, with tenderness and silence, without making any comment on them. If asked, he would have said: "… they speak for themselves. They encompass my memory and my feelings, my aspiration towards balance".
The artistic inhibition vanished after Gevork CHUBARYAN accompanied one of his friends on a visit to Christo, the great artist who delighted the world with his immense projects Running Fence and Surrounding Islands in America, the Point Neuf project in Paris or the project in which he simply enveloped the Reichstag, in Berlin, as in an enchanting cloak. Christo's preparatory drawings for these and other projects are of considerably size, and they have fascinated Gework. After that visit, CHUBARYAN dared to embark on larger formats, and this led him to the creation of some of his best works.
Thinking about those circumstances and about the decisive value of contacts with the world, with the artists everywhere, with their art, Gevork CHUBARYAN presented afterwards his artworks in several exhibitions in America and Europe.
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